Trade Finance

Blockchain Trade Finance platform facilitates Suppliers and Buyers to keep track of purchase orders, bill
of lading of shipped goods and invoices raised against the purchase order using Smart Contract enabled Single Source of Truth. By joining Blockchain Trading Finance platform, the Suppliers get the benefits of cheaper financing, wider acceptance with financing entities and wider financing options of 'unconfirmed' invoices and the Buyers would have a facility to trace products to the source and get transparency in end-
to-end process.

Trade finance shortfalls contribute to inefficient capital allocation. The fact says 55% of firms report attempting to finance the same transaction through another provider. Millions of dollars have been lost in commodity trade finance fraud cases. Traders in south east region of world reported, they are unable to obtain finance after Singapore fraud scandal. The financing entities Banks and other financial institution
see benefits of joining Trade Finance platform that are reduces the risk of fraud, traceable transactions, minimises compliance check and reduces execution time.

Reduces Fraud

Finance Institutions and Banks get fraud detected at early stage

Wider Finance

Suppliers find wider finance options in aggregated platform


Transparent execution for Banks, Suppliers, Buyers and Auditors

The solutions we built are secured, trusted, efficient and compliant with national and international data protection law to protect individual's personal and personal sensitive data where applicable. Distributed and permission-based ledger transactions with end to end traceability create a unique platform for businesses to trust and adopt the innovative way of solving business problems that haven't been possible without.

Discover more - what we could do for your business to bring the running cost down, allow you to focus on strategic roadmap and increase profit significantly over a period of time. We would love to hear from you and start the journey.


Interchange information securely
among participants


Trusted by participants to invoke
the transaction


Real-time transactions for fast
approvals without any delay


Complaint in place with the data
protection and privacy law

Find more, what we could do for your business ? Contact Us