Healthcare - EHR

To provide better control of healthcare and patient's medical data, we built Healthcare EHR platform which helps all patients, practitioners & consultants and healthcare organisations - surgeries and hospitals to join unified application underpinned by Blockchain technology to exchange medical data securely within trusted parties.

EHR Platform is compliant with the data protection and privacy law by design, it means patient's personal and medical data are protected all time using the unique hash number. It has highly secured access mech-anism which acts on patient's consent response and time bound access permission protocols. EHR Mobile app facilitates full control over medical data by notifying on new consent requests, allow patient to respond
to consent and view when medical data is accessed and by who.

Control medical data

Manages access to their medical data using mobile app

Faster Treatment

Treatments at hospital get faster using the platform

hub for practitioners

Hub provides availability of doctors for practice

The solutions we built are secured, trusted, efficient and compliant with national and international data protection law to protect individual's personal and personal sensitive data where applicable. Distributed and permission-based ledger transactions with end to end traceability create a unique platform for businesses to trust and adopt the innovative way of solving business problems that haven't been possible without.

Discover more - what we could do for your business to bring the running cost down, allow you to focus on strategic roadmap and increase profit significantly over a period of time. We would love to hear from you and start the journey.


Interchange information securely
among participants


Trusted by participants to invoke
the transaction


Real-time transactions for fast
approvals without any delay


Complaint in place with the data
protection and privacy law

Find more, what we could do for your business ? Contact Us