At INCRREDA, we are passionate about helping businesses to fulfil their potential by encouraging them to embrace the innovative and disruptive Blockchain DLT technology platforms. We have been working continuously on most demanding use cases in industries - Trade Finance, P2P Energy Trading & Healthcare. It would optimise existing infrastructure estate to support the growing business demand and bring operational cost significantly down for medium and large businesses.
The solutions we built are secured, trusted, efficient and compliant with national and international data protection law to protect individual's personal and personal sensitive data where applicable. Distributed and permission-based ledger transactions with end to end traceability create a unique platform for businesses to trust and adopt the innovative way of solving business problems that haven't been possible without.
Discover more - what we could do for your business to bring the running cost down, allow you to focus on strategic roadmap and increase profit significantly over a period of time. We would love to hear from you and start the journey.
Interchange information securely
among participants
Trusted by participants to invoke
the transaction
Real-time transactions for fast
approvals without any delay
Complaint in place with the data
protection and privacy law
Govt. and Private Organisations
issue Verifibale Credentials(VC/DiD)
Citizen (Holder) holds VC/DiD
in secured Mobile App Wallet
Private Org. verifies Holder's data
against the Verifiable Data Registry
Cryptographic signed platform
enables Decentralised Identity
Identity and Credentials are core of part of the life in the digital world, where we use mobile phone to prove who we are, and pay for the products and services in
day to day activities. We are now looking at the future, the future of Decentralised Identity (DiD).
Your Decentralised Identity would be stored securely inside of the Identity Wallet (mobile app), the important app that you would use in future and leave the list of username and password behind. You would control personal data, and share limited data with the Verifier using DiD in mobile app.
Innovation is in fly... the Issuers and the Verifiers discover how to be part of the Innovation Journey and call themselves as the first to adopt Decentralised Identity (Verifible Credentails) in the business. Start the discovery here, send your contact details.